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FarmFirst Dairy Co-op Hosting Federal Milk Order Webinar

FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative is hosting an exclusive webinar next week for its members to learn more and discuss the issues being discussed to modernize Federal Milk Marketing Orders. The free online presentation will take place on Aug. 11 at noon, hosted in conjunction with the National Milk Producers Federation.

"The dairy industry has evolved significantly since the Federal Milk Marketing Orders were established. While they have proven valuable to dairy producers they need to evolve as well to keep serving the best interests of dairy producers and to remain relevant in milk price discovery," said FarmFirst General Manager Jeff Lyon. "Federal order modernization is a top priority for FarmFirst and National Milk. A number of issues are under consideration with several ideas for change are beginning to take shape as real recommendations."

The webinar will review the process for updating Federal Orders and a presentation on the issues being examined by the NMPF Federal Order Task Force, of which Lyon is a member. There will be an opportunity for questions from participants.

Earlier this year, the NMPF created a Federal Order Task Force to evaluate, study several federal order issues related to but not limited to make allowances, the Class I mover, milk composition, and dairy products and product specifications (price discovery, block/barrel spread). All these issues will be part of the discussion during the webinar.

There is no cost to participate in the webinar. Members can register at FarmFirst's website 

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