The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has announced more than $13.6 million in new grants to help agricultural producers implement voluntary conservation practices on farms in Michigan and 18 other states.
The grants are supported with a portion of the $95 million awarded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Partnership for Climate-Smart Commodities to Farmers for Soil Health, a collaboration between National Corn Growers Association, United Soybean Board, National Pork Producers, and NFWF.
The project team in Michigan includes the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan (CMPM), Michigan Soybean Committee, Michigan Pork Producers Association, the Nature Conservancy in Michigan and the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP).
The project goal is to increase the sustained use of cover crops on corn and soybean acres through training that addresses barriers to adoption. Financial incentives, technical assistance, and educational opportunities offered by project partners will support this goal over the four years of the grant program.
MAEAP will serve as the primary farm enrollment and technical assistance team for the project. The Nature Conservancy in Michigan will lend communication and outreach support to the project.
“We are excited to bring Farmers for Soil Health to Michigan,” said Kristin Poley, director of research and agronomy at CMPM and project lead for the grant.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-eugenesergeev
Categories: Michigan, Business, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Livestock, Hogs