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Michigan quarantine fights tree pest threat

Michigan quarantine fights tree pest threat

By Andi Anderson

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) has announced an interior quarantine for balsam woolly adelgid (BWA) in Missaukee County, effective September 16, 2024.

This measure aims to control the spread of the invasive pest while minimizing disruption to Michigan’s nursery and timber industries.

The infestation in Missaukee County was initially detected by a private forester in September 2023.

Since confirmation, MDARD, along with partners like the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network, North County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Forest Service, has conducted extensive surveys to assess the infestation’s scope.

Steve Carlson, MDARD’s director of the pesticide and plant pest management division, emphasized the importance of balancing stakeholder needs with environmental protection.

“The decision to enact this quarantine follows an extensive survey and public feedback, ensuring measures address both pest control and industry needs,” said Carlson. MDARD’s targeted restrictions aim to protect Michigan’s natural resources while supporting the timber and Christmas tree industries.

Under the quarantine, the movement of Abies species (true firs) from the quarantined area is restricted unless exempted or under a compliance agreement with MDARD.

This regulation includes prohibitions on transporting fir nursery stock within and outside the quarantined region without proper authorization. Additional details can be accessed within the quarantine document or by contacting MDARD.

All true fir nursery stock originating outside Michigan must comply with the existing Michigan BWA Exterior Quarantine, enacted in 2014, which sets requirements to prevent the pest’s introduction into the state.

Michigan’s proactive approach aims to safeguard the state’s valuable natural resources and support industries affected by this invasive species. By working closely with partners and stakeholders, MDARD is committed to effectively managing the balsam woolly adelgid threat and ensuring a balanced response to protect the state’s environment and economy.

Photo Credit: istock-fotokostic

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Categories: Michigan, Rural Lifestyle, Farm Safety

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