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MSU DEMaND series garners top award

MSU DEMaND series garners top award

By Andi Anderson

The Michigan State University (MSU) Extension DEMaND Series has been nationally recognized for its excellence in supporting young, beginning, and small farmers.

The series was recently honored with the Search for Excellence in Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers/Ranchers Award by the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) during its Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference.

This prestigious award highlights the outstanding educational programs that the DEMaND Series offers to farmers who are either young, have less than ten years of management experience, or run small-scale farming operations with annual agricultural sales under $250,000. Jon LaPorte, an MSU Extension educator, accepted the award and shared the program’s success with Extension professionals from across the country.

The DEMaND Series, which stands for Developing and Educating Managers and New Decision-makers, was launched in 2019 to address the specific business and financial management needs of Michigan's beginning farmers. The program draws upon the diverse expertise of MSU Extension educators and specialists from various fields, including agriculture, agribusiness, community development, and food systems.

Initially, the series focused on creating educational bulletins to complement the MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series. Over time, the series expanded to include 19 bulletins, eight of which have been translated into Spanish. In 2022, the DEMaND Series became a standalone program, launching educational videos on topics like farm financial statements and grain marketing.

In 2023, the series collaborated with the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems for joint webinars and participated in the MI Ag Ideas to Grow With Conference during MSU’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Week.

Now in its sixth year, the DEMaND Series has a dedicated website where resources are easily accessible by type and topic. The website offers the latest articles, events, publications, and videos, with Spanish translations available.

The program provides essential support for those new to farming, transitioning from hobby to business, or taking on leadership roles within existing farm businesses.

The recognition by NACAA underscores the significant impact the DEMaND Series has on Michigan’s farming community, equipping farmers with the skills and knowledge needed for confident financial and business decision-making.

Photo Credit: michigan-state-university-msu-extension

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