The National Pork Board has funded a multi-state grant to understand small swine producers' knowledge and educational gaps to better serve their needs. As part of that grant, surveys targeted to small swine producers and small herd veterinarians have been created for both parties. The surveys focus on swine health and welfare practices, disease management strategies, production efficiency, sustainability and nutrition choices, and biosecurity.
The importance and need for this grant project are evident with the rise of small herd production systems within the United States and the increasing difficulty in finding free-access knowledge on best practices for small swine herds. The surveys will create educational tools and materials to continue educating small family-owned swine operations and small herd veterinarians with swine clients.
The following surveys will take 10 minutes to complete and will mainly consist of multiple-choice questions. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you can skip questions or stop participating in the study anytime.
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Photo Credit: istock-srdjan-stepic
Categories: Michigan, Education, Livestock, Hogs, Sustainable Agriculture