By Andi Anderson
Finding the right marketing strategies for specialty crops is essential for risk management on any farm. By diversifying the outlets used to sell products, farmers can ensure greater resilience and have more options available. The Managing Risk Through Diverse Specialty Crop Marketing Strategies session, part of the virtual Farm Policy and Risk Management Series, will provide valuable insights on various direct and intermediated marketing channels for specialty crop producers. This session will also highlight the benefits and risks associated with each channel.
Farmers face a range of risks, including production risks due to unpredictable weather, price risks from volatile markets, and input cost risks. To help address these challenges, Michigan State University (MSU) Extension offers the Managing Risk Through Diverse Specialty Crop Marketing Strategies session, providing strategies to mitigate or manage these risks effectively.
This session will take place on Tuesday, January 28, at 1 p.m. and is part of MSU Extension’s new season of the Farm Policy and Risk Management Series. This is a free program, but registration is required. Interested participants can register through the MSU Extension website at
For additional details, visit MSU Extension. To connect with an expert in your area, visit or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).
Photo Credit: michigan-state-university-msu-extension
Categories: Michigan, Crops, Corn, Education