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Sept. 9 Deadline for Potato Talks Proposals

Don't miss your chance to demonstrate your thought leadership on an international stage. Potato Talks -- located on the Expo Stage -- is currently accepting proposals for Potato Expo 2023, Jan. 4-5 in Aurora, Colo.

Potato Talks is a cultivator of ideas and inspiration. Throughout the show, the stage is the center of activity featuring engaging discussions, non-stop discussions, lively talks and entertainment--all focused on potatoes and potato production.

We are seeking proposals that showcase new advancements in production agriculture, uncover on-farm solutions, focus on current trends, or ignite inspirations. All sessions are 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes of one-on-one questions and answers. Sessions can be a single speaker or panel discussion.

Proposals must be submitted by September 9 via the Google Form at For more information, email

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