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Michigan crops progress in dry heat

Michigan crops progress in dry heat

By Andi Anderson

Hot, dry weather in Michigan during the week ending September 15, 2024, accelerated the maturity of corn and soybeans, according to Marlo D. Johnson, Director of USDA NASS, Great Lakes Regional Office.

There were 6.9 days suitable for fieldwork, allowing growers to begin harvesting corn for grain and soybeans. Winter wheat planting also gained momentum, although some farmers delayed until after rainfall. The dry edible bean harvest progressed, with 17 percent of the crop harvested, 10 points above the five-year average.

Meanwhile, the sugarbeet harvest continued to meet early demand, and chip potato producers were pleased with the yield and quality of their crops.

Conditions remained favorable for harvesting hay and corn silage, while farmers also prepared equipment, scouted for pests, planted cover crops, and tended livestock.

In Michigan’s fruit sector, apple harvest activities varied by region. In the Southwest, growers focused on Jonagold and Honeycrisp apples. In the Southeast, second picks of Honeycrisp were underway, along with first picks of Empire.

West Central growers were harvesting Gala, Honeycrisp, and September Wonder Fuji apples. In the Northwest, growers were preparing for major apple harvests of Jonagold and Empire varieties, which were maturing quickly.

Vegetable harvests also benefited from favorable weather conditions. Farmers began harvesting pumpkins while continuing melon and sweet corn harvests. Fall plantings of leafy greens and brassicas were ongoing.

Market supply for cucumbers remained steady, while yellow squash supply increased, and zucchini supply dropped. However, some producers faced challenges with bacterial soft rot and black speck in broccoli and cauliflower crops. This marks the final vegetable report for the 2024 growing season, closing out a productive year for Michigan’s vegetable farmers.

With crops maturing and harvests progressing across the state, Michigan’s farmers are making the most of this season’s favorable conditions for both field and specialty crops.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-studio2013

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Categories: Michigan, Harvesting

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