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Michigan FFA shatters records in 2024 ag skills contests

Michigan FFA shatters records in 2024 ag skills contests

By Andi Anderson

The 2024 Michigan FFA Agricultural Skills Contests marked a record year with 2,972 students participating in April. The contests, known as Career Development Events (CDEs), covered 17 diverse areas including agronomy, food science, and forestry, which are designed to enhance practical skills, leadership, and teamwork.

William Barnum, the 2023-24 State President of Michigan FFA, expressed excitement over the increased engagement, noting, "These contests not only challenge the students' knowledge and skills but also prepare them significantly for future agricultural careers. The effort and dedication displayed are leading us into a promising future in agriculture, filled with enhanced personal awareness and career preparedness."

This year's contests saw an increase of 250 participants from the previous year, highlighting the growing interest among students. Floriculture was the most popular event, drawing 538 students, and the arrangements created were donated to local hospitals. Veterinary science followed closely with 476 participants.

The Michigan Nursery Landscape Association recognized outstanding participants with the Michigan Floral Association certification and Certified Green Industry Professional – Core Certificates.

Sponsors such as AgroLiquid, Zoetis, and the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan, among others, supported the event by donating time and resources, which were crucial for the event’s success.

A complete list of contest winners, judged by industry professionals, underscores the high level of competition and achievement among the participants.

Photo Credit:gettyimages-poike

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Categories: Michigan, Education

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