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ANS Professors Honored by Progressive Dairy

Michigan State University professors Dr. Barry Bradford and Dr. Joe Domecq have been included in Progressive Dairy’s 2023 List of Influential People in the Dairy Industry.

Excerpts are taken from Meet the Influential People in Dairy originally published January 19, 2023, for Progressive Dairy. For original article posted on click

Barry Bradford, Michigan State University

"Barry Bradford is currently the Clint Meadows Endowed Chair at Michigan State University. In this role, he conducts research, mentors graduate students and serves an extension appointment actively serving and supporting Michigan dairy industry producers. His research is an expansion of his extension program, answering important questions producers are interested in learning throughout the industry. I have been blessed to be mentored by Barry in my graduate degree program and witness firsthand his passion for serving producers and investing in people. Personally, he has influenced my life by caring for me beyond being just another student. He deeply cares for me as a person and has allowed me to pursue a graduate degree while covering topics I am passionate about, empowering me to build connections with other industry professionals. Barry has helped countless graduate students reach their goals and be successful in every aspect of the industry. Barry will continue to be influential in the dairy industry through his research endeavors and connections he builds with industry professionals."

—Nominated by Lynn Olthof, Kirby Krogstad, Mikayla, Katie Meier and Gail Carpenter

Joe Domecq, academic specialist, Michigan State University

"Frankly, I may not be alive today if it weren’t for Joe Domecq. Coordinator, coach, colleague – those titles don’t begin to describe his positive impact. What Joe does is beyond measure, with thoughtfulness and persistence. He coined the phrase that every Michigan State University “Dairy Teacher” walks away remembering: “It depends.” I grew up participating in the Michigan 4-H Youth Dairy Days events and knew Joe as the guy zipping around on a scooter. My original career ambitions after high school didn’t involve dairy. However, I wound up at his office door and he made a place for me in his classes. That’s what Joe does best; he holds space for everyone. He has a way of seeing people sometimes better than themselves. He matches students to dairies for internships globally and visits each one. He pushes kids to be involved in judging, Dairy Challenge and Study Abroad trips. What Joe has built at MSU is a legacy of people. My biggest life role models are because of his programs, and I now see myself as a role model for others. It’s because of the confidence he instilled in me; the support and encouragement, sometimes unspoken, that’s helped me to thrive as a professional. The biggest unspoken lesson he’s taught me is to show up and do the work. Because of Joe, I plan to show up for the dairy industry endlessly."

—Nominated by Allison Pung and 29 others

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Categories: Michigan, Education, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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