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Michigan Ranks 3rd in U.S. for Floriculture Sales

Michigan ranked third in the nation in value of sales of floriculture products in 2021, behind California and Florida, according to Marlo D. Johnson, regional director of USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Regional Office.

The Floriculture estimation program was expanded to cover all 50 states and more than 30 new crops. Due to the large number of estimates being issued, the data were released only in the NASS Quick Stats database.

To provide data users with a quick overview of the information, a two-page Highlights document has been produced and can be located at

Some changes to the 2021 floriculture program include:

  • Beginning with the 2021 estimates, the top 28 states will be published individually with the remaining states combined into an "other states" total. Care should be taken when comparing 2021 national totals with the "Program States" totals from 2020 and prior years since fewer states contributed to the totals in the earlier years. However, comparisons still can be made by grouping individual published states together from both years.
  • To better serve data users, additional crops have been added to the program to increase coverage across all crop categories. This results in more data being released across all states.
  • Sales data will be published as retail, wholesale, and total, rather than the previous practice of converting nonwholesale prices to a wholesale equivalent. This change provides estimates of price and value more directly related to the information provided by producers.
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Categories: Michigan, Crops

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