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Naomi Bailey Shines for SPDC, Winning 3 Separate Awards

It is notable whenever any SPDC student wins an award. But one student winning multiple awards in a short period of time is something that deserves special recognition.

This is the case for Naomi Bailey, as she has been the recipient of three different awards over recent months. These include being named a 2022 Dr. Charles Fountain Scholar by the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), receiving the 2022 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Scholarship from the Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (MiASLA), and winning the Landscape Architecture ASLA Council of Fellows Scholarship from the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF)!

Naomi first arrived at Michigan State as a student in 2018, and she has grown into being a key part of the school during her time here. She started off as a shy student who wouldn't speak up very often.

"I still remember our undergraduate student orientation to welcome new coming students to our program a few days before the first day of the 2018 fall semester," said Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim, Landscape Architecture Program Director. "At that time, Naomi couldn't even start to introduce herself. She just smiled and tried to find some words."

After receiving mentorship from a fellow student and faculty, Naomi has become a much more outspoken student, who "could present her design ideas loudly and comfortably," according to Dr. Kim. She now stands as a model of what success looks like for students in SPDC, being actively engaged in professional organizations in the Landscape Architecture field and her classes.

"Over the past years, she has continuously grown in many aspects. She understands how landscape architecture can contribute to creating safe and inclusive places, and began to advocate for the significance of diversity with her talent and passion," said Dr. Kim.

With everything that she has learned during her time at SPDC, Naomi is grateful for all of experiences at the school.

"My time in the LA program has been a rollercoaster of excitement, creativity and emotion. Nevertheless, I wouldn't change the past 4 1/2 years for anything," said Naomi Bailey.

Even with all of her individual accomplishments, she is still quick to recognize all of those who helped her on her journey, and played a role in her success. She also looks forward to helping the Landscape Architecture program as an alumni, just as the program has helped her during her time as a student.

"I thank my wonderful professors, peers and mentors for their guidance, words of wisdom and helping me see everything through. In years to come, I hope to give back to the LA program for aiding in my path to success," said Naomi Bailey.

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Categories: Michigan, Education

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