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USDA Local Food Marketing Results: Michigan No. 4

Over 147,000 U.S. farms produced and sold food locally through direct marketing practices, resulting in $9.0 billion in revenue in 2020, according to the Local Food Marketing Practices data released today by USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The data covers both fresh and value-added foods, such as meat and cheese.

The more than 40,000 farms that sold food directly to institutions and intermediates brought in the most revenue at $4.1 billion; this was followed by operations with direct-to-consumer sales, such as on-farm stores and farmers markets, at $2.9 billion. Sales directly to retailers accounted for $1.9 billion from more than 24,000 operations nationwide.

The top five states by value of total direct food sales were:

  • California, $1.4 billion
  • Pennsylvania, $600 million
  • New York, $584 million
  • Michigan, $555 million
  • Maine, $342 million

Most farms that sold directly to consumers sold through outlets such as on-farm stores. Texas led the nation in the number of farms selling directly to consumers, with almost 8,000 operations engaged in direct-to-consumer sales. California led in sales directly to consumers, earning $284 million.

Data also showed that 78% of farms sold their direct-to-market produce exclusively within 100 miles of the farm, while an additional 19% sold partially within and beyond 100 miles.

Approximately 314,000 people were involved in making decisions for the farms that sold directly to consumers in 2020. Of these, 57% were men and 43% were women -- a higher proportion of women than among all farms, according to data from the 2017 Census of Agriculture.

For additional data, visit or NASS's Quick Stats database at View the highlights at

There will be a live Twitter Stat Chat, a question-and-answer session for the public, hosted by NASS's Environmental, Economics and Demographics Chief Tony Dorn about the Local Food Marketing Practices data @usda_nass April 29 at 1 p.m. EDT. The public should include #StatChat in their questions.

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Categories: Michigan, Business

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