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Online sanctuary for farmers

Online sanctuary for farmers

By Andi Anderson

The Farm Family Wellness Alliance, in collaboration with partners such as the American Farm Bureau, presents Togetherall, an online platform dedicated to supporting the mental health and well-being of farmers and their families. This platform serves as a safe space for individuals within the agricultural community who are facing stress, anxiety, or other behavioral health challenges.

With Togetherall, farmers and their family members aged 16 and above gain access to a dedicated peer-to-peer space where they can find solace, support, and guidance. Anonymous usernames facilitate connections with a global network of peers, fostering a sense of community and understanding.

President Zippy Duvall emphasizes the importance of reaching out for help when needed, reassuring farmers that it's okay not to be okay. Alongside Togetherall, Michigan State University (MSU) Extension continues to offer a range of resources, including counseling services, workshops, and farm business management consultations. Additionally, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline stands as a nationwide 24/7 resource for immediate support.

Whether through Togetherall, MSU Extension, or the crisis lifeline, farmers are encouraged to prioritize their mental well-being. The goal is to ensure that no farmer or farm family member ever feels isolated in their journey towards wellness.

Photo Credit: michigan-state-univsersity-msu

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Categories: Michigan, Rural Lifestyle

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